Thursday, April 15, 2010

likes a novel

a young lady entered the boutique...she asked me..could you please teach me how to wear tudung...she pointed to a tudung behind the same time a guy entered the boutique with a salam. i took the tudung and made it in triangle shape and putted it on her hair."i just convert to islam,so i did not know how to wear tudung"said the girl.owh, then putted a brooch to pin the this kak?how goods her manner..kak,i want the tudung lilit-lilit,very nice when girls wear it.kak,do u have mirror?yes,over comfort?yes but still need a brooch.kak,how to lilit?just lilit it in any style you like and most important is u feel comfort. okay kak. "u want to wait here or follow me?"the guy asked the young lady.i wait here.kak,do u have tudung siti?yup,we have. can i try?kak,how to wear it?when i eat,the tudung will not fall or i must hold while i eat?ur husband?my fiance..owh i see.this saturday,we will get marry. we are looking an imam.owh...nikah at masjid?no,nikah at VIP hotels. living in segamat?my hometown is ipoh.working here?yes,working with his father.kak, right now i have few tudung-cream,black and white, which can match with all clothes. it's okay. i don't know how to buy tudung.normally he will decide for me.last week we went to pejabat agama,i borrowed his mother's tudung. the guy came, how?u want to buy all that?the guy looked at the boy.i don't know which one is better for me. have learn how to wear it?yes,very easy.lilit only.only that?am i right kak?yes.where can i find a class of wearing tudung?the guy asked me.i just smiled.

i feel like being a character in a novel.a young lady married his boss' son at a hotel...=)

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